Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paul McCartney is Dead

Paul McCartney is a member of the English rock band The Beatles. They started the band as teenagers and had success around 1962. Ever since then they have become legends in their own right. Way before John Lennon was murdered in 1980, there was a rumor that Paul McCartney died in a car accident in 1966. The accident was never made public because supposedly Paul was replaced by a look a like, whose name was William Campell. The way this conspiracy started was because of a college student from America. A radio station in Detroit WKNR-FM received a call from a guy who called himself Tom. Russell Gibb, the disc jockey was told by Tom that Paul McCartney had died in 1966 and was replaced by a look a like. Tom claimed the their album Abbey Road left clues. The first thing he mentioned was the album cover. 

If you look at the album cover all the members are walking the same way except for Paul, and they all have shoes on except for him as well. They are suppose to be representing a funeral setting. John is white is suppose to be the priest. White representing a holy figure, some even go as to think he represents Jesus, because of the hair and beard. Ringo in black represents the undertaker; Black represents something evil. George in blue is suppose to be the grave digger, and Paul is the dead corpse.The caller also stated that some songs when played backwards could be deciphered with the message of Paul's death. After this aired this conspiracy/ rumor spread all over the world. 

After the radio show, these news became widespread and Life magazine went to Scotland to find Paul. Paul did not want to talk about this at all. When Life magazine found Paul, he was irritated and upset. Even though he was mad about the whole situation he decided to do the interview. Here is the cover of it.

This issue was published in November 7th, 1969. 

After much speculation no one could really prove Paul McCartney was actually dead. How could they if he was still living? After the issue of Life was published the rumors were stirred up again. This time as the Great Hoax. The conspiracy created a lot of media attention for the Beatles. This rumor was talked about everywhere. In some cases it even made them more popular. The saying goes, "there is no such thing as bad press." Could the Beatles have made this up so they can sell more albums or was Paul really dead?

In the article Paul McCartney Dead: The Great Hoax, it vividly tells the story of how Paul was killed. The story goes that on Wednesday at 5:00am on November 9, 1966 Paul was in a car accident. After he picked up a female hitchhiker to visit some friends, the hitchhiker was so excited to meet Paul that she threw her arms around him causing him to swerve the car off the road hitting a stone fence. Paul and the hitchhiker were dead. They say the trauma to his head was so bad that he could not be recognized. Because record executives did not want to loose money with record sales they brought in William Campell to replace Paul. With some plastic surgery William was the new Paul, the only difference about Paul and William was that William had a scar above his lip that could not be removed. The other members agreed and so Paul's death was never made public, until the members wanted to put clues into their music. William was also a singer and songwriter so replacing Paul was not a difficult thing. But because of the Life magazine interview Paul was not dead.

This conspiracy has been going on since 1969. Who knows what really happened the day of November 9th, 1966. The only thing that I find eerie are the dates. Paul supposedly died November 9th, 1966 and the Life magazine issue was published November 7th, 1969. November was a common thing but that in my opinion is the weird part. What do you think really happen.

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