Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sign of the Horns

The Sign of the Horns is a hand gesture that is used by many people and has different meanings to it. But the obvious meaning is the devil. The Devil is a famous figure that is known for his horns. Heavy metal musicians are known for doing this hand gesture but more people do it besides them. Like I said this hand gesture has many meanings to it but at the end of the day its meaning is usually referred to Satan. Here are a bunch of musicians outside of the heavy metal genre and public figures using this sign. Just like the peace sign is used by many people this sign is used the same way. I do not think that all people using the Sign of the Horns mean anything by it but like all signs there is a meaning behind it. The horns represents the Devil's horns so why do something that is associated with the devil?

In an earlier post I mentioned how the Illuminati or members were the ones who built the United States of America. They were the ones who put the All Seeing Eye on the dollar bill and other symbols that are associated with the Illuminati. Could that be the reason Bush, Obama, and the Clinton's are use this sign? You decide.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sign of the Horns

What do you think about this sign, called, The Sign of the Horns? A lot of people use it but do they know the meaning behind it? Rockers use it everyday. Let me know what you think about it because on Saturday I will be dedicating a post on it. Please leave a comment but only if you dare !

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paul McCartney is Dead

Paul McCartney is a member of the English rock band The Beatles. They started the band as teenagers and had success around 1962. Ever since then they have become legends in their own right. Way before John Lennon was murdered in 1980, there was a rumor that Paul McCartney died in a car accident in 1966. The accident was never made public because supposedly Paul was replaced by a look a like, whose name was William Campell. The way this conspiracy started was because of a college student from America. A radio station in Detroit WKNR-FM received a call from a guy who called himself Tom. Russell Gibb, the disc jockey was told by Tom that Paul McCartney had died in 1966 and was replaced by a look a like. Tom claimed the their album Abbey Road left clues. The first thing he mentioned was the album cover. 

If you look at the album cover all the members are walking the same way except for Paul, and they all have shoes on except for him as well. They are suppose to be representing a funeral setting. John is white is suppose to be the priest. White representing a holy figure, some even go as to think he represents Jesus, because of the hair and beard. Ringo in black represents the undertaker; Black represents something evil. George in blue is suppose to be the grave digger, and Paul is the dead corpse.The caller also stated that some songs when played backwards could be deciphered with the message of Paul's death. After this aired this conspiracy/ rumor spread all over the world. 

After the radio show, these news became widespread and Life magazine went to Scotland to find Paul. Paul did not want to talk about this at all. When Life magazine found Paul, he was irritated and upset. Even though he was mad about the whole situation he decided to do the interview. Here is the cover of it.

This issue was published in November 7th, 1969. 

After much speculation no one could really prove Paul McCartney was actually dead. How could they if he was still living? After the issue of Life was published the rumors were stirred up again. This time as the Great Hoax. The conspiracy created a lot of media attention for the Beatles. This rumor was talked about everywhere. In some cases it even made them more popular. The saying goes, "there is no such thing as bad press." Could the Beatles have made this up so they can sell more albums or was Paul really dead?

In the article Paul McCartney Dead: The Great Hoax, it vividly tells the story of how Paul was killed. The story goes that on Wednesday at 5:00am on November 9, 1966 Paul was in a car accident. After he picked up a female hitchhiker to visit some friends, the hitchhiker was so excited to meet Paul that she threw her arms around him causing him to swerve the car off the road hitting a stone fence. Paul and the hitchhiker were dead. They say the trauma to his head was so bad that he could not be recognized. Because record executives did not want to loose money with record sales they brought in William Campell to replace Paul. With some plastic surgery William was the new Paul, the only difference about Paul and William was that William had a scar above his lip that could not be removed. The other members agreed and so Paul's death was never made public, until the members wanted to put clues into their music. William was also a singer and songwriter so replacing Paul was not a difficult thing. But because of the Life magazine interview Paul was not dead.

This conspiracy has been going on since 1969. Who knows what really happened the day of November 9th, 1966. The only thing that I find eerie are the dates. Paul supposedly died November 9th, 1966 and the Life magazine issue was published November 7th, 1969. November was a common thing but that in my opinion is the weird part. What do you think really happen.

All Seeing Eye

The All Seeing Eye is supposed to be a symbol that belongs to the Illuminati. The symbol is viewed by many Americans every day. Just look at a dollar bill. Have you ever asked yourself why is that image there? In order to question this image you first must know the history of the eye. The eye comes from Egypt; it is the Eye of Horus. Horus was the sky god and the eye is in the shape of a falcon eye. The Illuminti took interest in this symbol and used it as their own. In the book, Culture of Conspiracy: Apoctalyptic Visions in Contemporary America, it states, "The Illuminati went underground after the French Revolution (Deyo, not surprisingly, cites Robison), but their hand remained visible in subsequent upheavals: “modern ‘observers’ must surely concede that the most daring and diabolical social experiments in the history of man are presently illustrating the basic tenets of Weishaupt’s school in both Russia and China.” Far from limiting their activities to Europe and Asia, however, the Illuminati have insinuated themselves into centers of power in America. Indeed, according to Deyo, the Great Seal of the United States is full of Illuminati symbolism (a theme commonly found in conspiracist literature). The fixation on the seal emphasizes its reverse side. Conspiracists like Deyo insist that the pyramid capped by a single eye is an Illuminati symbol, and they translate the motto, "Novus ordo seclorum,” not as “A new order of the ages” but as “New world order.”
Stan Deyo is an American writer and John Robison was a Scottish physicists and mathematician. John Robison later in life became interested in the Illuminati and began writing conspiracy books about them. His known book is called Proofs of a Conspiracy which was written in 1797. This book talks about the Freemasons, Illuminati, and the Reading Societies.
Behind the dollar bill reads "Novus ordo seclorum,” which translates to “A new order of the ages.” Scholars have revealed that the true translation means “New world order.” The Illuminati and Freemasons were the ones who actually built this country. Oh so that is what the conspiracy is. But a lot of American symbols, architecture, and placing of certain buildings reveal more than what the eye sees.
The Illuminati are secretly building an empire and they are trying to take over the world. How? Well they do this by manipulating the media; Watching television, films, listening to music, and radio. That is when these artists come into the equation.
There are a lot of symbols that every culture uses but puts different meanings behind them. The Illuminati not being a culture but a society who are made up of people who believe in the same concepts use the All Seeing Eye as one of their symbols. The reason I bring this up is because a lot of main stream musicians cover one eye while only revealing the other one, making it look like the All Seeing Eye.
There is more information on this symbol but I only wanted to correlate it to musicians who are said to be involved in this secret society, a society who has power over the mass public by doing so through the media.
Here are a few artists doing it.

Now is this a coincidence? There are more artists who cover their eye like the ones shown above. There is no proof for sure to say that these artists are a part of the Illuminati, but why do they do the same things? To some people they just do not seem to think anything of it but to others it is way more than a coincidence.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Future Topics

I am going to write down a list of topics I think will be interesting to blog about. Let me know which one you think will be more interesting in the comment box.

1. Paul McCartney's death conspiracy
2. The All Seeing Eye
3. Elivis is Alive
4. More Illuminat and Freemasonary symbols

If you have any suggestions let me know as well.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I want to start this post by examining the Illuminati. I first heard of this secret society by reading Dan Brown’s book Angels & Demons. After reading about it I became interested in it so I did some research. This was back in high school so I started to do more research again for this project. The word “Illuminati” comes from the Latin word illuminatus which means enlighten, and the secret society was birthed in May 1, 1776 in Germany. They modeled themselves after another secret society called the Freemasons. The Freemasons are a more known society, they are more like a fraternity and they have been around since like the 1500’s. The Freemasons have also been linked to conspiracies and are also mentioned in Dan Brown’s books. The Freemasons and the Illuminati are kind of like the same group. In fact it has been thought, that many of Freemason members were a part of the creation of the Illuminati. The Illuminati actually based their foundations from the Freemasons, they were kind of inspired by them. If you put the word “Illuminati” in the Google search engine you are going to see that the word is linked to the Freemasons and conspiracy. Not much is known about the Illuminati because they are a “secret” society and their history is short but The Freemasons on the other have a long history, and their symbols are more apparent. Because the Freemasons are more of a fraternity than a secret society more is known about them. If you want to read about their history you can click on the link > (Wikipedia, I think is a liable source and so does my CSIS professor, so do not worry I am pretty sure majority of the information is fact).

Today’s post is going to be about symbolisms and music videos. A lot of people watch music videos but they do not look at the things surrounding the artist, like symbols. Just like with lyrics, people are not listening for a message they just hear the music. Last week I talked about a subliminal message that was found in the rapper Jay-Z’s song Lucifer, this time I want to talk about certain symbols that are being used in today’s popular music videos. I am going to talk about two artists, Lady Gaga from the United States and Belinda from Mexico. Lady Gaga is an international superstar and she is controversial. She uses a lot of symbols in her videos, and a lot of them are linked to the Illuminati, freemasons and Christianity. Many of you may know her, but you probably do not know Belinda. Belinda is a child star from Mexico. She is a singer and actress and has been in the industry for many years. All of a sudden symbols are starting to be used in her videos, especially in her video for Egoista, which translates to Egotistical in English.  Watch their videos; click on the links and then see if you can find the similar things (symbols).

Did you see anything similar in these videos? If not let me break it down for you.

Things that were similar in Gaga’s and Belinda’s videos might not seem noticeable but here are some clips to demonstrate them.

Did you notice the checkered pattern, if not here they are. Why do both of these videos that have nothing to do with each other have the same pattern? It may not seem like much until you find out that this pattern is used by the freemasons.

This is a picture of the symbols that the Freemasons use. On the floor you can see that the white and black checker pattern is one of them. In Belinda’s video the stage is actually the same in this picture with the throne in the middle. These are not the only two videos that share the black and white checker patterns, but I am only mentioning these two videos because they are more apparent. They use this pattern because they modeled it after King Solomon’s Temple, Solomon from the Bible. The black and white colors represent good and evil.

Could Belinda and Gaga be telling us something through their videos? In Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance and in Belinda’s Egoista video they both wear black and white. If the colors represent good and evil could that mean that they are in a war and have to choose a side?

Another thing that was common in their videos was the image of Baphomet. Baphomet is basically a demon. He is the representation of the devil himself. Don’t believe, then check out these pictures.


 Here is the link to read about Baphomet, also known as Satan himself >

Why is it that this figure is in their video? What is the purpose?
And if you are not convinced then this picture of Lady Gaga should be shocking.

She is copying Baphomet’s position. She clearly knows about these symbols because she constantly uses them. She is either messing with the public which could be true, but these things are taken very seriously. She should not be playing with these type of things because they mean stuff to certain people. Christianity is the World’s popular religion, and Baphomet is not a figure that is appreciated. By Lady Gaga and Belinda having him in their video is shows that they worship him especially since he is put in high places. In both Gaga’s videos he is up on a wall above her, which signifies that he has the power over her. And in Belinda’s video he is on top of the throne, also above her which signifies that he has power over her as well.

 Another thing they have in common is the fire. Fire obviously is an element that is synonymous with Hell. Hell is described in the Bible as the home of the Devil. Satan rules over Hell, he is the master there. Like God wants people to go to heaven, Satan wants people to go to Hell. Hell, described in the Bible is a torturous place that is eternal. Those who are or are going to Hell will suffer tremendously. It is like a never ending punishment.

They are both surrounded by flames. Belinda is on the throne right in the middle of the fire. And Lady Gaga is watching the fire as it burns the man in the bed. Gaga is also wearing white while Belinda is wearing black, again the meaning of good and evil. These videos go beyond that just for aesthetic reasons, these things obviously mean something or they would not have the same exact symbols in them.

The last thing I could find that both artists shared in their videos was the depiction of dogs. Now dogs in today’s society have no meaning but in the religious world they have a purpose. Especially when it comes to the Egyptian religion; the god of the underworld in the Egyptian religion was called Anubis. He is depicted as a double headed jackal. Jackals are a part of the dog family. Anubis, again was the god of the underworld making him the devil. If Satan is the master of Hell then he and Anubis are basically the same figures.

Click here to read about the god of the underworld >  
Now are you convinced? I think some people might look at this and say well maybe Belinda is just copying off of Gaga, but the fact is that these are not the only videos that have these symbols. I chose these because they made it more obvious. But there are a lot of music videos, and artists from other countries that use these symbols. All of the symbols that I have pointed out are all evil, not one good at all. And the crazy thing is that the Illuminati and freemasons use these symbols.

Some stuff that I Found in Gaga’s videos but could not find in Belinda’s were the number 6. In the Bible the number 666 represents the beast. Anyone who has this mark will go to the hell. In the Bible, from the King James version, in the book of revelation, chapter 13 verses 17 and 18 it states,

17 "and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."
After looking for certain symbols I noticed that in Gaga’s video the number 6 came up a lot. And sometimes this number was disguised. Take a look.
I turned the first image upside down because when you do so you can clearly see the number 6 appears three times. If you place it back into its original place then it becomes the letter G. Obviously Gaga starts with the letter G but there are only two G’s in her name. Why have three? Also why weren’t the letters put in capital if she did not want to get it confused. The other image bluntly shows the number 6. Only this time you only see it twice. However, there are three computers and they are the same. So that means all three computers will have the same number 6 in the back creating the number 666. But if you did not notice there were three computers you see the second computer in front of the first one, making it 66, but then with the head phones, that also shows the number 6, when you put them together it makes 666. And like the Bible states, anyone who has this mark will be sent to Hell.
I do not know if these artists are playing a prank but by the looks of it they certainly are making people talk about it. Is it a conspiracy or are they really worshipping the devil? You be the judge.