Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All Seeing Eye

The All Seeing Eye is supposed to be a symbol that belongs to the Illuminati. The symbol is viewed by many Americans every day. Just look at a dollar bill. Have you ever asked yourself why is that image there? In order to question this image you first must know the history of the eye. The eye comes from Egypt; it is the Eye of Horus. Horus was the sky god and the eye is in the shape of a falcon eye. The Illuminti took interest in this symbol and used it as their own. In the book, Culture of Conspiracy: Apoctalyptic Visions in Contemporary America, it states, "The Illuminati went underground after the French Revolution (Deyo, not surprisingly, cites Robison), but their hand remained visible in subsequent upheavals: “modern ‘observers’ must surely concede that the most daring and diabolical social experiments in the history of man are presently illustrating the basic tenets of Weishaupt’s school in both Russia and China.” Far from limiting their activities to Europe and Asia, however, the Illuminati have insinuated themselves into centers of power in America. Indeed, according to Deyo, the Great Seal of the United States is full of Illuminati symbolism (a theme commonly found in conspiracist literature). The fixation on the seal emphasizes its reverse side. Conspiracists like Deyo insist that the pyramid capped by a single eye is an Illuminati symbol, and they translate the motto, "Novus ordo seclorum,” not as “A new order of the ages” but as “New world order.”
Stan Deyo is an American writer and John Robison was a Scottish physicists and mathematician. John Robison later in life became interested in the Illuminati and began writing conspiracy books about them. His known book is called Proofs of a Conspiracy which was written in 1797. This book talks about the Freemasons, Illuminati, and the Reading Societies.
Behind the dollar bill reads "Novus ordo seclorum,” which translates to “A new order of the ages.” Scholars have revealed that the true translation means “New world order.” The Illuminati and Freemasons were the ones who actually built this country. Oh so that is what the conspiracy is. But a lot of American symbols, architecture, and placing of certain buildings reveal more than what the eye sees.
The Illuminati are secretly building an empire and they are trying to take over the world. How? Well they do this by manipulating the media; Watching television, films, listening to music, and radio. That is when these artists come into the equation.
There are a lot of symbols that every culture uses but puts different meanings behind them. The Illuminati not being a culture but a society who are made up of people who believe in the same concepts use the All Seeing Eye as one of their symbols. The reason I bring this up is because a lot of main stream musicians cover one eye while only revealing the other one, making it look like the All Seeing Eye.
There is more information on this symbol but I only wanted to correlate it to musicians who are said to be involved in this secret society, a society who has power over the mass public by doing so through the media.
Here are a few artists doing it.

Now is this a coincidence? There are more artists who cover their eye like the ones shown above. There is no proof for sure to say that these artists are a part of the Illuminati, but why do they do the same things? To some people they just do not seem to think anything of it but to others it is way more than a coincidence.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting! I am scared, the Illuminati is taking over the media!
