Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hello Everyone my name is Bobby and I am going to start blogging. Not because I have extra time to do it but because it is my capping project. For those of you that do not know what "capping" is I will expalin it. Capping is basically a recap of everything I learned throughout my four years of college, but only for my major. My major is Communications concentrating on Radio/TV/Film. I chose this as my major because I want to have a career in the entertainment industry. So for my blog, I will be writing about mainstream musicians and conspiracies, mainly devil worship. I know this may sound weird, but there have been rumors of artist  like Lady Gaga and Jay-Z who worship the devil. They say they are linked to secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Now I do not know much about these socieites except for reading them in Dan Brown's novels like The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol but when I researched them, devil worship was involved. If you google these two societies I am pretty sure you are going to see some conncetion between the two. I do not know much about them but I will be doing a lot of research and hope to give my audience a lot of information. With this information I want you all to come up with your own opinions and let me know how you feel about it. If you want to contact me you can do so on twitter. My twitter name is waterboy1689. So again this blog is for my capping project and I will start posting up stuff starting tomorrow, hopefully. Videos, articles, and anything else that has to do with mainstream artists and conspiracies can be read here. I will not only post things up and summarize about it, but I will be analyzing and asking questions. I will also be trying to contact experts on these socieites and when I get a reply from them I will post it up and let you all know what they say. Thanks for reading and I hope you become a routinely reader. Until next time.


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