Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jay Hova

So after researching videos and articles for the last 3 weeks I decided that this video about Jay-Z and his song "Lucifer" was best for this capping project and blog. The man in the video is a preacher and he is talking about Jay-Z's song "Lucifer" when played backwards it has a subliminal message.

There are a lot of conspiracies out there about different artists that have hidden messages in their music. That has been going on for a long time now. Some are false and some are not. This video is basically about hidden messages and the preacher talks about a few of them. His main focus however is Jay-Z and his "Lucifer" song.

For a minute I would like to talk about the name of the song. The word Lucifer is Latin, which means light-bearer. Lucifer, in the Christian religion was an angel. He wasn't just any angel but the most beautiful of them all as described in the Bible; he is first mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 14 verses 3-20. Lucifer is casted out of heaven by God because he tries to dethrone God. When God casted out Lucifer about 1/3 of other angels went with him. From light, Lucifer is thrown into darkness. From this point on in the Bible Lucifer is called Satan or the devil. There are many other words that he is called but Lucifer he is no more.

Back to the video, the preacher starts off by talking about Jay-Z and other names he goes by like Hov or Hova, H to the izz-O, V to the izz-A. Those are lyrics from Jay-Z's song H to the Izzo (H.O.V.A) from his 2001 Blueprint album. Now when you but the first part of his name with Hova than his name becomes Jay-Hova like Jehovah which means Jesus in the Hebrew language. So by him going by these names he is referring to himself or comparing himself to Jesus. Again in the Christian religion there is no one like Jesus. Jesus was the only perfect human. Jay-Z is committing blasphemy by doing this and that is why the preacher brings it up. Why would Jay-Z do that? Even though he might not be of the Christian religion it is still disrespectful. Continuing with the video, the preacher than mentions the song "Lucifer." When the preacher plays the song in reverse a message is produced. The message is, "6 6 6, murder, murder Jesus." A disturbing message that gives me chills. Jay-Z has been called a devil worshipper and a member of the Freemasons and Illuminati. These two groups are secret societies and I will be blogging about them in my next post. This song "Lucifer" is from his 2003 Black album. Lucifer meaning light-bearer, Jay-Z decides to title the album Black. Black meaning darkness, no light whatsoever. What is his purpose of putting this message in his song? I could only think of one, devil worshipping. This video makes me wonder about any other messages he has hidden in his songs. I think it is very clever how he hid this particular message in a song that was titled "Lucifer."

I physically have not reversed the song myself but when listening to the message you can clearly hear Jay-Z's voice. I do not think his song was tampered with and I want to reverse the song myself just to be 100% positive that the message in fact exists. I might and would like to demonstrate it for my capping class and see what they think. What do you guys think? Do you think Jay-Z is a devil worshipper and do you believe that message is really hidden in his song? Also even if the message does not exist why would he write a song about the devil?

Before I end this blog I will also like to mention that the song was produced by none other than Kanye West another artist who is called a devil worshipper. I will be talking about him as well but in another post. Let me know what you guys think. You can watch the video by clicking on the link. Jay-Z Lucifer Revealed


  1. This is so interesting

  2. COOL BEANS! I love reading about this illuminati stuff... one of your post should be about his "ON TO THE NEXT ONE" that shit has a bunch of symbolism and shit that revolves around devil worshipping and illuminati!
